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Size Never Matters When It Comes To Designing Office Workstation


Everything on this planet starts from a point and designing your intimidating workspace is no exception. The journey of creation will soon become special for you because it was you who initiated it, unlike many others who just dream of it. It certainly involves its shares of risks but also increases their chances of hitting big.


Creating a dream space for your employees is definitely not an easy thing to do but if done correctly; it can be a creative hub for you and your employees with just a bit of foresight. Well, you do have an option of managing your day-day tasks from your living areas or coffee shops. But what I personally believe that a great office doesn’t need to be large; you can be highly benefitted by a small, scrappy workstation. So chin up and act smart by reducing clutter and finding unique storage alternatives for small spaces.


What makes an ideal workstation?

In order to get the most from your working space, make sure it is organized, pleasant and mentally stimulation for you, your employees as well as your clients. Big or small, size never matters, come up with a space that makes one feel open and engaging. But the question remains same- how?


Fret not! Here down below I would like to mention certain tips on how one can design best office spaces that is not just small & cozy but also facilitates in bringing out the best productive environment for employees.


First, Layout

Spaces you work for or live in reveal a lot about your personality. Similarly, try creating an office workstation design that reveals the personality of your business. Think how decisions are made in your business? How you people communicate within? Is there democracy or dictatorship? Other than this what are the measurements? For example, if your space is 300-500 square feet, the positioning of each and every employee matters. As a CEO will you have your cabin located in the corner or will prefer having a stationed desk with other employees.


Second, Environment

Try introducing your peers to an open, small-scale environment where people can have better conversations. This will also result in supported learning and job satisfaction, accommodated greater flexibility, and did not impede the ability to work productively. In layman’s language, using cubicles or enclosures as office workstation furniture won’t work anymore.


Office Workstation Ideas:


The science of designing the workstation to fit within the capabilities and limitations of the worker is what we call Ergonomics. For example, if you are sitting all day long, make sure that the weight of your arms is supported all the time. And if not, the muscles of your neck and shoulders will be crying by the end of the day. Creating spaces that compel employees to slouch is not a good thing. Slouching puts more pressure on the discs and vertebrae of your back. Simply ask them to move their chair as close to your work as possible to avoid leaning and reaching. Last but certainly not the least, the feet shouldn’t be dangling as your employees may feel a pressure on the backs of their legs.


These inconveniences affect how we perform. So, coming up with a flexible workstation featuring filing cabinets and chairs that slide beneath desks and out of the way might work wonders for you as well as your employees.



A boring looking cubicle can be improvised by placing a window. A window that not just views the outdoors but even allows adequate light keeping everyone calm and composed. In fact, it may even interest you to know that this provides some stimulation for those moments that we need to get our head together, and it brings the outdoors into our workspace. If an outside window is not possible, any window will work wonders. For example, how about using interior glass panels that make small workstation spaces feel open, instead of feeling cramped.



Other than furnishing comes, colors! Drab eggshell and gray cubicles have become a thing of past. Bright hues have become pretty much in vogue with the rise in contemporary workstations. Splashes of Caribbean blues, olive greens, and sunset oranges accent clean whites, natural browns and navy blues in new and exciting formats. By incorporating this, you will turn your workspace in a fun and trendy manner maintaining clean and organized feel.


So that’s all for now! Speedframe is a leading name to reckon with an array of interior design and architecture products and complete fit-outs for commercial, industrial, office and domestic use. Get in touch to know more!